Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014 - Monday

May his name be forever;
as long as the sun, may his name endure.
May the tribes of the earth give blessings with his name;
may all the nations regard him as favored.  (Psalm 72:17 NABRE)

"He" is King Solomon, son of David.  What a beautiful wish for him.  Imagine our world if each of us prayed for such great blessings to be given to everyone we meet.

Lord, give me the deep compassion for others, the selflessness, and the willingness to act for others, in ways led by your Spirit whether big or small, that would promise me a name worthy of being remembered.

Today, I will repeat this prayer once each hour, for someone I don't usually remember to pray for.

Saint Louis of France, who had respect for all, especially the “humble folk of the Lord,” pray for us.

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