Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014 - Monday

I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.  (John 15:15 NABRE)

Friends tell each other everything.  At the Last Supper, Jesus declares his friendship straight out.  He knows what is coming, and is trying to tell the Apostles how things will soon be.  And keep in mind, we share this same friendship with Jesus too!

Lord Jesus, my friend, thank you for telling us who you are.  I am grateful and amazed to be welcomed as your friend, like Abraham was, and like the Apostles were.  Help me to live my life according to your command that we love one another.  Keep me close so that I may follow the life you intended for me, acting with love toward others.  Protect and guide me by your Holy Spirit so that I may one day see you face to face, my truest friend.

Today, I will express my gratefulness for Jesus' friendship in what I do and say.

Saint Clare, who modeled her life after that of Jesus, pray for us.

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