Friday, August 15, 2014

August 15, 2014 - Friday

The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
but the tent of the upright will flourish.  (Proverbs 14:11 NABRE)

There was a traditional expression that a house can be less secure than a tent if there is no justice.*  One way to look at this* is that the strong houses and empires that wicked people build as legacies to themselves in this life, that they think will keep their memory alive, will not survive.  On the other hand, the modest legacy of the good person will survive into eternity.

Memories of a Friendship:  I remember when we bought our castle!  For me, seeing how grand it was, made the purchase of it feel like we might have been leaning just a little toward buying one of those houses that tries to show how great we are.  But, there was that other feeling, actually a very familiar one.  That strong sense it was happening to us and around us and in spite of us, not something we were actually causing.  Have you ever experienced that?  My habit, not kidding here, is to pray for guidance at times like this, and I'm confident that at these times, when I do, the right outcome is always the one we experience.  Always.  Even when I don't understand it or want it!  And what proof I have now in hindsight that it was the right decision!  The gift of special friends who have shared this house with us, whom we never would have met had we not bought this house, is ours into eternity.  The daily blessings of the little children that share this space with us, which we never would have known had we not bought this house, are ours forever.  It turns out my friendship with the Lord that began so many years ago is still alive and strong!  My God is faithful!

Today, on this Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, I will pray the rosary for peace.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

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