Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 14, 2014 - Thursday

but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers.  (Luke 22:32 NABRE)

As blessed as my own life has been, my faith has been tested many times.  Like Peter, I don't always pass the test.  But look at the prayer Jesus himself said for Peter!  He knew Peter would deny Him three times, but his emphasis wasn't to prevent the inevitable failure.  That is because Jesus looks beyond our failings.  He prays that our faith does not fail as a result of the tests we endure.  His real prayer for us includes, "once you have turned back (to addition), you must strengthen your brothers."  Jesus prays for our faith and instructs us to use it to strengthen one another.

Don't lose faith.  If you ever had it, grab onto it and don't let it go.  It's more important than religion.  It's more valuable than money.  It's more life-giving than oxygen.  Today's verse is a funny one for me to read as I begin my reflection on my own personal relationship with God.  As I read it, admittedly out of context since Jesus is here talking directly to Peter, I had a strong sense that the words were addressed directly to me.  I wonder if you get that feeling too?

Memories of a Friendship:  My earliest memory of spending time with God is from the late 1960's and 1970's at St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Boston.  I remember playing on the pews and saying (or at least listening to) prayers during Mass.  I could only have been about five or six years old.  These are some of my first memories, and it is good to realize that it really has been a lifelong relationship for me.

Today, I will pray that my faith may not fail, even when I lack the courage to express it, so that I can strengthen others.

Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, patron of addicts, pray for us.

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