Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30, 2014 - Saturday

Do not plot evil against your neighbors,
when they live at peace with you.  (Proverbs 3:29 NABRE)

Serving God means, in part, maintaining peace with good people.*  This prompts several difficult questions in my mind:  What does peace look like?  How do I recognize a good person?

One efficient way to look at both of these terms is to evaluate what each is not.  Peace may be understood as the absence of conflict.  A good person may be understood as someone who lacks malice or wickedness.

And with that, we arrive at a slightly more concrete idea of the real challenge in today's verse:  What can I do today and everyday to eliminate conflict with others in my life who do not live lives characterized by malice or wickedness?

I believe prayer is the beginning of the answer, the middle of the effort, and the end of the problem.

Today, I will pray for peace to be restored to strained relationships.

Saint Jeanne Jugan, founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor, pray for us.

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