Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 7, 2014 - Thursday

Get up now, and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness of what you have seen [of me] and what you will be shown.  (Acts 26:16 NABRE)

Jesus called Paul to serve him.  Jesus called Paul to tell others about his own life experience, things he knew to be true.

Today's verse comes from a speech in which Paul does exactly what he is called to do.  Paul, defending himself before King Agrippa, is recounting his experience on the road to Damascus, when the risen Jesus spoke directly to him and caused him to be blind for three days (Acts 9).  The words of today's verse are the words Jesus spoke to Paul.

Jesus, you call me, indeed each of us, in the same way you called Saint Paul.  I accept your call to serve you and to tell others about my own experience of relationship with you, to be a witness of the truth that you are the one true God who became man and who provides us with the hope of eternal salvation, something we could never have gained on our own.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit, so that, as I step out to serve others and tell them about you, I will not worry what to say or do because your Spirit will lead me.

Today, I will answer Jesus' call to serve him and to share my story with others.

Saint Cajetan, who gave up comfort to serve the sick and the poor, pray for us.

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