Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13, 2014 - Wednesday

My son, stop attending to correction;
start straying from words of knowledge.  (Proverbs 19:27 NABRE)

Strangely enough, it seems this proverb is written ironically--meaning it says the opposite of what the advice actually is.*  So, to understand it, let's turn it around:  My son, START attending to correction; STOP straying from words of knowledge.

Good advice, but no one likes to be told what to do, so being corrected or told how we should behave is something we all resist to some degree.  On the upside, as we mature we tend to learn the value of correction and appreciate words of knowledge.  (If you're still reading, I'd say you've arrived.)

As people, we are driven to teach our children what we know is important.  We do this by correcting mistakes and sharing knowledge.  It just seems like there should be a more efficient way to do it.

I believe there is and it is based on our deep human need for relationship.  I'd rather hear about your life than have you tell me what I'm doing wrong; so by sharing your experiences with me, you give me the chance to learn what is important.  More than that, I learn about you in the process.  I learn how you understand this world.  I can agree with you or disagree if my experience tells me otherwise.  We can debate.  We can show each other mutual respect.  We can grow closer as a result.  And to the point, you can lovingly provide the knowledge and correction you know I need in a way I can embrace.

Today, I will begin preparing to share my own past experiences with God.  I will deliberately reflect on the times I've moved forward in the relationship as well as the times I've struggled.

Saints Pontian and Hippolytus, who remind us we all have different spiritual gifts but there is just one Holy Spirit, pray for us.

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