Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28, 2014 - Thursday

The path of the upright leads away from misfortune;
those who attend to their way guard their lives.  (Proverbs 16:17 NABRE)

Today's verse tells us the path of those who are upright is protected.  So then, our job is to keep to the path that leads away from trouble.  Simple enough!

And yet, have you ever wondered why good people face bad things while not-so-good people often seem to live lives of privilege and abundance?  I've witnessed the sufferings and losses of truly holy people.  It can seem so unfair and wrong.

To make some sense of this, we can separate the events and challenges of life from the protection provided by God's grace.

God does allow good people to face suffering, loss and trials.  Job is a powerful example of this.  And consider the suffering of Jesus.  Imagine the loss Mary must have felt. 

But the great good news is that the faithful are protected from falling victim to eternal misfortune regardless of the difficulties they may endure in this life.

Today, I will attend to my way, grateful for the protection of my Lord.

Saint Augustine of Hippo, patron of printers, pray for us.

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