Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 6, 2014 - Wednesday

Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputes no guilt,
in whose spirit is no deceit.  (Psalm 32:2 NABRE)

None of us is without sin.  These days, it's an unpopular word that describes so much of our human condition.  Though we are all sinful, not all of us are deceitful or cunning.  Not all of us seek our own gain at the expense of others.  Not all of us are assigned guilt of this kind.  And in today's verse, those who are sincere rather than deceitful are called blessed.

Lord Jesus, we know that you are God's son and we are acutely aware of our own shortcomings.  Thank you for the many gifts you give us, most of all for the gift of your life.  Today, I ask for your mercy on us, that you who knows our heart might remember our desire for you more than our weaknesses, that you might accept our faith and our efforts rather than judge our failures.

Today, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, I will seek to be sincere and to eliminate any cunning or deceitfulness in myself.

Venerable Anthony Margil, missionary for 43 years in New Spain, pray for us.

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