Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16, 2014 - Saturday

Out of the north he comes in golden splendor;
God comes in awesome majesty.  (Job 37:22 NIV)

Today's verse comes from an absolutely beautiful chapter in the book of Job.  Please take a few minutes and read its twenty-four verses...I'll wait!

What must God be like?  Consider this world.  Imagine what it would take to create and control its greatest forces:  lightening, the winds, the rains, the sun, snow, clouds and all the sky!  Impossible!  This chapter reminds me of God's wonders on a grand scale and it challenges me not to think too highly of myself.

Memories of a Friendship:  For one who can keep the sun in the sky, helping with the details of my life must not be too difficult.  I'm reminded of a particularly difficult supervisor I once worked for.  You may know the type:  Angry to cover massive insecurity.  Bitter.  Unable to accept goodness.  Someone for whom closeness means arms-length.  Well, the job I held, where I watched a revolving door for many of my peers, was "unpleasant" as a result of the boss's issues.  Yet I could not leave.  It became clear to me that I was placed there for a reason and I was able to make a difference for others on the job, helping to balance the environment they had no choice but to remain in.  In hindsight, I see the Lord's hand on my shoulder through this time.  Like a real friend, he held me steady.

Today, I will look at the sky, recall the greatness of God and appreciate his grandeur.

Saint Stephen of Hungary, who recognized that culture and the Church are not always in harmony, pray for us.

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