Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 10

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since we saw the conversion of Paul and the two miracles performed by Peter, and here in Acts, chapter 10, we see God's decisive hand working to draw Peter out on a mission to the Gentiles.

In chapter 10, we see for the first time the pivotal insight that God's gift of the Holy Spirit was not only intended for the Jews, but for the Gentiles as well.  This was astounding to Peter and the others with him, but they were given proof.

Lord, help me to trust in the the proofs you gave to Peter and his contemporaries.  Keep my heart open to the reality of your incomprehensible greatness and your humble entry into our history in order to ensure our salvation so that we will one day be with you.  And Lord, give me awareness of your real presence in my own life, in my times, and in all the moments that belong to me.  Keep me safe in this life, protect me from evil in all its surprising disguises, and help me to recognize the difference between the temptation of evil of and the inspiration of your Spirit.

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