Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014 - Tuesday

The LORD is there to save us.
We shall play our music
In the house of the LORD
all the days of our life. (Isaiah 38:20 NABRE)

King Hezekiah had just recovered from a near-fatal illness.  His first response is to give praise and thanks to God, whom he knows gives life to us all.  In today's verse, we celebrate this life and its author!

Lord, I see how brief this life is and I will celebrate it today.  I will celebrate the great gift that it is.

Lord, thank you too for the gift of music, which helps us celebrate.  Thank you for the many blessings you share with us, most importantly the sacrifice of your son Jesus so that we might not stay slaves to death but gain freedom and eternal life.  Music in this life is sweet.  Music in the next must be beyond our imagining!

Today, I will celebrate this life and the promise of the next!

Blessed Junipero Serra, whose motto was "always forward, never back," pray for us.

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