Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12, 2014 - Saturday

Remember not the events of the past,
the things of long ago consider not.  (Isaiah 43:18 NABRE)

On the surface, Second Isaiah (the second of the three sections and writers that comprise Isaiah) is actually telling the exiled people of Israel in Babylon to forget the past exodus from Egypt!  He tells them that their return from Babylon will be an even greater marvel and proof of God's power!

However, to me, the statement can be understood at a personal level as well.  Do not dwell on the past.

What great signs of God's power and love surround us in this moment!  Notice them.  Breathe them in.  Big or small, these signs remind me that the Lord is present with me even when I'm not present with him.  I see him at weddings and in healed hospital patients.  I see him in nature and in science.  I also need to see him in others I meet along the way--especially people I do not like or understand.

Today, I will live in the present moment as an act of prayer.

Saints John Jones and John Wall, British martyrs for refusing to deny your faith, pray for us.
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, patron of air travelers, pray for us.

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