Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014 - Friday

They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength,
they will soar on eagles’ wings;
They will run and not grow weary,
walk and not grow faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NABRE)

So, what is the difference between an idol and the Lord?

Today's verse is the conclusion of a really powerful reminder worth visiting every so often.  Beginning in verse twelve, the prophet does an amazing job of reminding us of the answer to this question.  He compares the power of God and the vanity of idols.

In Isaiah's day, idols were statues carved out of wood or stone, or formed out of precious metals or paints.  Yet, people worshiped them and made offerings to them!  They treated these little creations of theirs as if they had power, when in reality they had no more power than any other piece of wood or stone.  Their idols had no spiritual side.  Idols do not live.  So, call them idols or gods, they are mere pieces of art.

In my world, idols are often made of wood or stone, precious metals or paints too.  Is my house an idol to me?  Is that piece of jewelry that I want an idol to me?  So, more than just artwork or craftsmanship, we understand an idol can be anything I "worship" with undue attention and excessive energy.

But our Lord is God.  He is no idol!  He created all the universe and was there before it.

Re-read today's chapter of Isaiah, beginning with verse twelve (with the footnotes because there are some great explanations in them).

Today, I will seek strength for our country and our world in our search for peace, by placing my hope in the Lord, as did Isaiah, Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, and so many others through the years.

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, peacemaker, pray for us.

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