Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30, 2014 - Wednesday

LORD, for your servant’s sake and in keeping with your purpose, you have done this great thing.  (1 Chronicles 17:19 NABRE)

God intervenes in our lives every day.

He intervenes in big ways and small ways alike.  And what a great gift it is when we catch a glimpse of it!  To be open to the possibility allows us to experience his interventions, marvel at them, and most of the time to thank him for his perfect timing.

Of God's interventions in his life, King David had no doubt.

Today's verse is part of a brief prayer that he prays (spanning verses 16-20) which illustrates not only his glimpse of and gratefulness for an important divine intervention in his life; but even more, it shows confidence and a prophetic insight into God's plan.  David has just been informed by Nathan that one of his sons (Solomon it turns out) would be a great king and build a house for the Lord, the temple in Jerusalem.

Of God's interventions in my own life, I have no doubt.

As I look back at the long years of my life which have swept past so quickly, I see repeating patterns of the Lord's protection, his guidance, his hindrances and allowances as I have pursued different goals.  Perhaps they are most clear in cases when I hoped and planned for one result, was denied it, only to find that a better one resulted!  Over and over, in big and small moments I have seen these things play out.  And they are not chance or coincidence.  They are clearly determined.  And they are for a purpose, because I am here for a purpose.  We are all here for a purpose!

Today, I will consider the Lord's purpose for my life, and seek awareness of how the specifics of my days reflect it.

Saint Peter Chrysologus, whose example reminds us that the vigorous pursuit of a goal may produce results far beyond our expectations and intentions, pray for us.

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