Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 9, 2014 - Wednesday

The loving deeds of the LORD I will recall,
the glorious acts of the LORD,
Because of all the LORD has done for us,
the immense goodness to the house of Israel,
Which he has granted according to his mercy
and his many loving deeds. (Isaiah 63:7 NABRE)

Recalling how the Lord saved them from the Egyptians, today's verse has the again-exiled people of Israel begging God to once again show them his mercy.  It is a signal of their change of heart, the beginning of their acknowledgement of how they forgot the Lord, all he had done for them, and the covenant relationship they had with him.

I suppose it is human nature to focus on what is bad, negative, challenging, and difficult.  These things rivet our attention on the evening news and in all aspects of our lives.  Consider how our smart phones notify us immediately each time something bad happens across the globe.  Even sports news works this way.  For example, yesterday we were notified that the Brazilian soccer team was beaten by the German team in the World Cup semi-final match.  We were not notified of Germany's win, but rather of Brazil's defeat.

Let's ask God for a change of heart.  Let's remember all he does for us.  Let's work to focus on the good, the positive, the uplifting, the enduring!  Let's enter every situation led by the Lord.  Let's begin today.  Let's begin a worldwide movement in our own hearts.

Today, right now, I will remember all you do for me, Lord, and I will seek to change my heart so that I recognize you leading me through every situation and I see your face in the face of each person I encounter.

Saint Nicholas Pick and Companions, martyrs for the faith who recognized the Lord's loving presence even in their worst moments, pray for us.

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