Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014 - Sunday

You shall lie down and no one will disturb you.  (Job 11:19a NABRE)

It is my actions and the intentions of my heart that promise the peaceful rest of the good and the just.

Beginning in verse thirteen, I see that if I will set my heart right and stretch out my hands toward God, if I work to remove bad behaviors from my life and unfairness from my heart,* I will find rest that no one will disturb.

Lord, I pray that the actions and intentions of my heart today will show good stewardship of your creation.  I ask that each thought and each action bring me closer to understanding the peace which only you can give.  And I ask that I not be tempted by selfish wants today, but instead be completely satisfied and filled with the joy your Holy Spirit brings.

Today, I will remember the witness of the martyrs and make the small sacrifices that following Jesus today may require of me.*

Saint Apollinaris, first century martyr, pray for us.

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