Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26, 2014 - Saturday

From of old I was formed,

at the first, before the earth.  (Proverbs 8:23 NABRE)

Today, Wisdom herself speaks to us.  She tells us she was born before God created the universe and was with him as he did.  This personification of wisdom comes from a beautiful poem and the most well-known chapter of Proverbs, chapter 8.  Read Proverbs 8 like a poem--slowly, 3 times.  Though the translation may lack the rhyme and rhythm of the original, it contains the message.

Lord, share your wisdom with me and with my family.  I ask that your Holy Spirit fill our hearts and minds with all the gifts that spring from your wisdom.  It is not worldly wisdom I ask for.  I ask for the wisdom that only comes from you.  I ask for understanding, prudence and good sense.  My prayer is that our words will be honest, truthful and sincere.  May our words be straightforward and right, knowledgeable and just.  Lord, I seek your wisdom and it is by these qualities I believe we may recognize it in our lives.  You promise us that those who seek wisdom will find it, as indeed you promise that those who seek you will find you.

Today, I will pray continually for wisdom for myself and my family.

Blessed William Ward, martyred English priest, pray for us

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