Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014 - Saturday

The way of the just is smooth;
the path of the just you make level.  (Isaiah 26:7 NABRE)

OK, so you believe in God.  But have you ever felt like God was so far away you couldn't feel any connection to him at all?  Have you ever felt like he left you alone to struggle without his help?  Have you ever been badly beaten by a trying circumstance that felt endless?  Have you ever lost big?

And what is your reaction?  What do you do?  What do you think or say when things go against you?

The people of Israel experienced this during their exile in Babylon.  After their suffering and sadness, Isaiah prophesies that they will at last sing the words of joy found in today's verse as part of a song thanking God for delivering them from their captors.  And we know his prophesy was true historically, but more than that, we can apply its lesson to our own lives.

We can learn from their experience.  Just like the people of Israel, whom God chose.  He chooses us.  And what does that mean?  Even if it takes a long time.  Even when we are hurt badly by something in our own life.  Even if we are angry at God or someone who hurts us.  Indeed, especially at those times, we need not despair nor become despondent, because there will be a day when we will be delivered from our hurt, just as Israel was.

So remain faithful during difficult times.  That is the key.  Adopt a perspective that reaches beyond here or now, and try to see things as God might see them.  But above all, keep your faith.  It is what matters most.

Today, I will hold tightly to my faith even at difficult moments and I will pray for others whose faith is at risk, asking the Lord not to let go of even one of his own.

Saint Mary MacKillop, who reminds us to "Have courage no matter what your crosses are," pray for us.

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