Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014 - Wednesday

No longer will your sun set,
or your moon wane;
For the LORD will be your light forever,
and the days of your grieving will be over.  (Isaiah 60:20 NABRE)

Imagine not needing the sun or the moon for light.  Imagine God's presence as actual light, the only light you need to see, and it's not a dim bulb kind of light, but a beach day kind of light.  Imagine perfect light.

From the third section of Isaiah, today's verse was written after Israel's exile in Babylon.  In it, the prophet speaks of the end of time and of Israel being greatly honored.  He describes a future time when they will be in God's presence, a time when they no longer need sun or moon for sight, a time of unending joy.

Today, I will look forward to the time of glory when the Lord is my light forever and we will have days of unending joy.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, who gives us hope and always points us to Jesus, pray for us.

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