Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014 - Monday

I charged your judges at that time, “Listen to complaints among your relatives, and administer true justice to both parties even if one of them is a resident alien.  (Deuteronomy 1:16 NABRE)

Decisiveness is an interesting quality.

Here, Moses describes when he appointed judges--wise, discerning and reputable leaders chosen from each of the Israelite tribes--to settle disputes that would arise among the members.  After charging the judges, Moses gives them initial advice which is both interesting and applicable even today.  In verse 17, Moses tells them, "In rendering judgment, do not consider who a person is; give ear to the lowly and to the great alike, fearing no one, for the judgment is God’s....”

So often, even today, we can lack decisiveness in the name of courtesy.  We put off firmness in favor of indecision so as not to offend.  But we learn from today's reading that decisiveness can be rooted in God's good judgment, which lends authority to our decisions and confidence in our judgments.  It helps us recognize that some will try to intimidate us by their position and power, and it calms us in the face of such false claims.

When we regularly seek to apply wisdom to life's affairs, and when we make a habit of seeking discernment of God's preferences before making life choices, then over time we become known for these things, experience demonstrates the effectiveness of our decisions, and our just judgments and advice become recognized and sought after.

Finally, keep in mind that not all people welcome true justice.  Remember, every choice favors one party over another which often creates discord.  But the just judge never needs to be concerned about rendering judgment, because as Moses points out, the judgment is actually God's.

Today, I will boldly seek decisiveness based in God's wisdom and discernment of his divine will.

Saint Leopold Mandic, who had a firm sense of God's grace awaiting human cooperation, pray for us.

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