Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014 - Thursday

So Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial.
You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”  (John 12:7-8 NABRE)

Belief.  The woman who anoints Jesus in this scene from Bethany just before his final return to Jerusalem believes.  More than that, she takes action to express her belief.  She takes risk, in a very public way, and is insulted because of it.  And here, Jesus defends her.  He silences her critic.

As a believer, I sometimes think about the reasons people have for not believing.  I admit I'm ignorant and curious because my belief in God has been lifelong.  I do not know what it means not to believe.  So, I try to understand others who do not have faith.

I have heard many say they cannot believe in something they cannot see.  Others tell me they cannot accept something for which science offers no proof.  Others have explained to me that they refuse to believe in a loving God who allows all the evil we see in this world. Over the years, many people have avoided discussing it with me (certain, no doubt, that I would try to change their mind).  Some have dismissed it so completely, there's not even a reason to think about it--it's not on their radar.  And there are other really good reasons that people have as well, personal pain comes to mind as the most common one, and there is no doubt that soul-crushing things do happen to us.

Unfortunately for me, these reasons don't help me understand.  My curiosity only grows because I see everything through a lens of faith.  If God is real, he is real.  Why would my lack of proof, or understanding, or even personal pain suddenly make that untrue?  Interesting.

Today, I will pray for bridges of understanding among believers, dialog between people of good will, and God's mercy on us all.

Saint Joseph, spouse of Mary who gave Jesus his name, pray for us.
Servant of God Francis Garcés and Companions, martyred missionaries, pray for us.

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