Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014 - Sunday

May all kings bow before him,
all nations serve him.  (Psalm 72:11 NABRE)

Psalm 72 is the prayer of a king.  It includes many petitions asking for wisdom, justice, good judgment, the ability to defend the oppressed, help the poor, and defeat those who oppress others.  Things I might expect.  But today's verse seems a bit peculiar to me, but in that I find a lesson I can live in my own life.

Here, the wise king, acknowledges God as supreme by stating that he and all the other kings of this world should bow before God and serve him.  How much more should I become a servant of this true God who helps the poor and the oppressed.

Today, I will seek to be in the service of God, by serving the poor and oppressed in prayer and action.

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, patron of youth, pray for us. 

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