Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014 - Sunday

My son, if your heart is wise,
my heart also will rejoice; (Proverbs 23:15 NABRE)

Proverbs 23 contains a father's advice to his son who seeks to be wise.  In today's verse, we see a father imploring his son to "apply [his] heart to wisdom and [his] ear to words of knowledge."*  The father also expresses his own joy should his son gain the true wisdom that makes the heart wise.

Lord, soften my heart to your wisdom, especially at those difficult times I have each day.  Let me recall my learning when I need it most.  Quiet my restlessness enough to hear your Holy Spirit within me, who is the source of wisdom, so that my Father in heaven will rejoice.

Today, I will seek to recognize the simple truth you place in my heart, and to act wisely according to what it tells me.

Saint Maria Goretti, model of simple faith and martyr at age twelve, pray for us.

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