Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14, 2015 - Wednesday

Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35 NABRE)

Jesus was known to withdraw to solitary places in order to pray. He did this on ordinary days and in the midst of whatever was going on at the time. Sitting here, in the predawn darkness of this day, I'm grateful to have started my day as Jesus so often did, in prayer. I am thankful that this gift of time has been given to me to share with the Lord. What a good way to start each day! I am grateful that you join me in daily prayer! Today, and for this month of January, let's pray together for peace.

Lord, our world still groans with the pains of division. We suffer great losses daily and we struggle to remain hopeful. Our faith is assaulted every single day and we don't always hang onto it very tightly. It is so easy to become disillusioned by the news of the day, locally, nationally, internationally, and even within our own families. Lord, today I ask that you bless us with a tangible gift of peace because, even if it is brief, your people need a respite. We are desperate for a reminder of your love. Jesus, today, I pray with a sense of urgency, to ask this, so that in this blessed gift of peace, some who are faultering in their faith will be renewed by your merciful heart.

Today, I will pray the rosary, asking especially for God's peace in this troubled world.

Our Lady of Fatima, who asks us to pray for peace especially by praying the rosary, pray for us.
Saint Felix of Nola, faithful servant of Jesus despite persecution, pray for us.

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