Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22, 2015 - Thursday

Sacrifice and offering you do not want;
you opened my ears.
Holocaust and sin-offering you do not request;
so I said, “See; I come
with an inscribed scroll written upon me.
I delight to do your will, my God;
your law is in my inner being!” (Psalm 40:7-9 NABRE)

Today's psalm reminds us that, more than rote rituals, God wants us to obey him. He wants us to do his will. Not only that, he wants us to find delight in the doing of his will! He wants us to know that he places his law within each of us as a guide to discerning his will.

Lord, thank you for placing your law within each of us so that we have the chance to find your will as we seek it. And thank you for the added grace of your holy Spirit who dwells within your faithful followers. Please help me to represent you to others today, especially those to whom you are estranged, so that they might recognize your living and divine presence in our modern world, so that they might be drawn back to you. By your Spirit, I delight to do your will, my God. Thank you again for such a gift, and may the fruits of your Spirit grow in your orchard here among us.

Today, on this Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for those who are suffering the loss of a child through abortion, asking that they find healing and peace.

Saint Vincent, whose life reminds us that we remain faithful by God's power and not our own, pray for us.

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