Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015 - Monday

Sing to the LORD, bless his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
Tell his glory among the nations;
among all peoples, his marvelous deeds. (Psalm 96:2-3 NABRE)

Imagine what could happen if you and I each decided right now to encourage someone who is struggling in their faith?

What encourages others? What heats a faith that has cooled to lukewarm? What words could possibly have the power to convince and persuade the smart person, the clever one, the cynic, or the angry? Only the bare truth of our personal experience with God has a chance. Nothing but the story of how I encounter God personally in my life even has a chance to encourage, heat, or soften anyone toward faith in God.

When God places opportunities in our path to share our story, we should take them boldly and without being ashamed.* Today's verse reminds us to actually sing about God's greatness every day so everyone can hear us! And if we think about it, about the amazing things he does for us, it isn't hard to do!

Don't hesitate. Don't worry about the enemy at work against us. Although his methods are nearly invisible, although he knows our nature and our fears and uses them against us at every turn, although he uses weapons we don't even see, wielded by an army we don't even recognize--even using us when our guard is down, we should fear nothing! The battle is already won! And so, let's focus on sharing our story.

Lord God, you have no equal. Help me articulate my story so that I can share it with others. Some people just need a little encouragement and it helps to know we all struggle. Some need to remember how much you love each one of us. Some need to recall that each of us has value because you are our father. And some will need to see me submit my will to yours so that they might come to faith. Help me to live my life as this kind of witness to the love and mercy you show me every day.

Today, I will marvel at what God has done in my life and encourage someone in faith.

Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops and close friends and associates of Saint Paul, pray for us.

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