Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27, 2015 - Tuesday

And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers.
[For] whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:34-35 NABRE)

Preaching to a packed house (literally, a house so filled with people his mother, Mary, and friends were unable to get in close enough to talk to him), Jesus draws close to each listener, as close as family.

Imagine it. Jesus the Lord, the Messiah, calls us his brothers and sisters. We are his family. One of the great strong points of our society is the value we put on family. It is not uncommon to hear people say that the most important thing to them is family. But, family requires work and commitment and sacrifice, doesn't it?! Are we willing to do God's will, even if it means work or commitment or sacrifice? Is Jesus our brother, do we treat him like one?

Jesus, my brother, thank you for seeking me and for the wonderful and life-affirming gift of family. I imagine you and I sitting at the kitchen table over breakfast. As the sky lightens, you pass me a cup of tea and we laugh about the eggs that have gotten cold, the snowstorm outside the window, and the prospect of a busy day. We talk about the Father and what we'll do today to help him strengthen the family, maybe even grow it a little bigger. As we pick up the dishes and clear the table, just before we set out for work, we promise to meet again at suppertime when we'll talk again about how the day went. I'll see you tonight, brother.

Today, I will enjoy my brother's company.

Saint Angela Merici, courageous model of deep Christian faith and love, pray for us.

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