Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015 - Thursday

Because you have the LORD for your refuge
and have made the Most High your stronghold,
No evil shall befall you,
no affliction come near your tent. (Psalm 91:9-10 NABRE)
God our Father is our protection, our refuge from the storms of life which seem to swirl all around us. He is our stronghold against the many harms actively seeking to tear us away from him.

One of the storms I struggle with is easily visible if you look around in our current culture. We've developed a tendency to downplay the positive and strong role of men. It might be a bit of an over correction as our society continues to elevate the rights of women--which is so important, or it may be the result of other factors. But the concept of manhood these days is often reduced to a sitcom punchline or the biting sarcasm of an Internet meme. And that's not OK.

Men need role models. We need to see other men of good character who are not afraid to act virtuously and to speak confidently about what is right and wrong. Men need to see other men living in the clear, compassionate and strong light of God's Spirit.

And so Lord, today I ask for your special protection over the generations of my family, especially the men. Protect us from the evil which is all around us. Guard us from temptations in our own hearts and from the harm that would come to us from others. Hold back all the evil, both subtle and obvious, that would ensnare us. Keep us on your path and when our hearts and minds turn from you, remind us of your constant presence with us, recall in our thoughts your gentle healing, and hug us somehow so we remember you are still there. Lord, may we rely on your protection as we seek to lead our families to you.

May each of us trust in you. May each of us know you in our lives, just a little more each day. May we learn gentleness, compassion, mercy, patience, and tolerance for others. May we recognize your presence in all those around us and treat them as we would treat you yourself in person.

May those who are fathers and those who may sometime become fathers see models of fatherhood in your divine protection of your chosen people, in the willingness of Saint Joseph to care for Mary and Jesus, in the prodigal's father who cried with joy when his son finally came home, and in all the other good men we know from your Word and encounter in our daily lives.

Today, I will seek my safety in the Lord rather than in my own resources or the promises of others.

Saint Joseph, model of fatherhood, pray for us.

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