Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2, 2015 - Friday

Seek out the LORD and his might;
constantly seek his face. (Psalm 105:4 NABRE)

Holiday activity, even the most joyful and satisfying, can distract us from what matters most. Today's verse from Psalm 105 reminds us to slow down enough to give thanks and praise to God for all he does in our lives.

Spend some time in the present, take a minute right now, take a breath, spend this moment in the presence of Jesus. Thank him.

Lord Jesus, thank you for this moment, not the last one, not the next one, but this one right now. Thank you for what I am doing at the moment and for joining me as I do it. I give you each moment of the day ahead of me, and I will seek to be mindful of your face. I will seek you in others around me. I will seek you in all things.

Today, I will look for the Lord in everything around me, constantly.

Saint Gregory Nazianzen, who tells us that God's "joy in giving is greater than ours in receiving," pray for us.

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