Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015 - Sunday

Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the youth.
So he said to Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” When Samuel went to sleep in his place,
the LORD came and stood there, calling out as before: Samuel, Samuel! Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:8b-10 NABRE)

Lord, you speak to us in many ways. To Samuel, you came in a dream and called him by his name. To Peter and the apostles, you approached them as a man and invited them to follow you. To me, it is through your holy Spirit that you share yourself. At times, though, I admit that I feel as disconnected as Jesus must have on the cross as he cried out, wondering why you had forsaken him. Please keep me always mindful of your presence because it is so difficult to endure times when I do not sense your it. What must eternal despair be like without your companionship! Speak to me, Lord, and I will answer. Help me to remain quiet within, always listening for you, so that I will know your voice when I hear it. 

Today, I will listen for the Lord's call and ask him to speak to me as his servant.

Saint Charles of Sezze, whose life reminds us that saints are not simply born saints, but become saints by seeking to connect with God's divine grace, pray for us.

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