Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015 - Sunday

After John [the Baptist] had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God:
“This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15 NABRE)

I wonder how seriously we take these words of Jesus in our own lives. My guess is that the whole idea is almost so big and so grand, we can barely catch it, and then we lose focus, and then we miss it. I wonder if today, for just these few minutes, we can let Jesus' words take hold of our thoughts and then our hearts, and finally our wills.

There are some subtle points in this short passage that should really grab us and take hold of our thoughts. First, we might recognize that Jesus begins his public ministry by echoing the message of John the Baptist (See Matthew 3:2), urging his followers to realize that time is short, to start believing, and to act with urgency.

Second, both teachers describe the reason why we need to act with immediacy, why we need to prepare our hearts: By sending Jesus, his only son, to come and live among us, God began to establish his kingdom here on earth. Christians believe this is a gradual process which will conclude with Jesus' second coming, but it began firmly in Galilee with God's work in Jesus.*

So, as we wait for the perfection of God's kingdom, we are told to submit our wills to God's. Notice the imperative tone of Jesus' command when he tells us what to do. First, he tells us to repent. He wants us to turn our lives from rebellion to obedience towards God.* And finally, he tells us to believe in the gospel.

Lord Jesus, I stand in awe of what you are doing right now in my life and in your creation! Thank you for drawing me to you, for giving me knowledge of you, and for clearing a path for me to walk. Prepare my mind and heart to accept you on your terms, not mine. Show me each attitude of mine that causes me to rebel against you and give me the strength to let go of it, so that my will better reflects yours each day.

Today, as we commemorate the fascinating Conversion of Saint Paul, I will seek Jesus in each person I encounter.

Saint Paul, first to bring the good news of Jesus to those beyond the Jewish community, pray for us.

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