Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 24, 2015 - Saturday

For God is king over all the earth;
sing hymns of praise.
God rules over the nations;
God sits upon his holy throne. (Psalm 47:8-9 NABRE)

We all have a boss, someone we report to and to whom we are accountable for our actions. Here, the words of King David celebrate the one to whom he reports! David recognizes that God is the King of Kings who rules over all the earth and all nations.

Lord God, you alone are sovereign over all creation. You are the one who was not created. You are the one to whom kings offer praise. You are the one who sits on a holy throne. You are immortal and mighty. You are the eternal God who was before all time, who is, and who will be. You caused all things. And you want a relationship with me: I am fleeting, made of dust. I am clay. I am fallen. And you want this relationship so much, you allowed your only son, Jesus, to suffer beyond what I can even imagine and to die as a sacrifice for my human failings, to turn my head and my heart toward you. And Jesus, in turn, left me your holy Spirit as a guide so that I might keep myself in relationship with you and tell others about you too.

Today, I will marvel at God's greatness and my own smallness, to appreciate the immensity of the gift he gave me in Jesus.

Saint Francis de Sales, patron of authors, deafness, journalists, and writers, pray for us.

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