Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7, 2015 - Wednesday

Pray without ceasing.
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
Do not quench the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-19 NABRE)

I don't talk to myself much anymore.

I talk with God.

About a year ago, in addition to my "formal" prayer life (which still includes things like meditating on Bible verses each morning, saying memorized and spontaneous situational prayers, praying the rosary, and attending Mass), I remember specifically meditating on today's verse and then a little at a time, increasing each day over a period of probably six months, I shifted nearly all of my inner monolog from self-talk to dialog-prayer.

At first, it was a little challenging, praying to remember to talk to God throughout the day seemed odd, but I wanted to pray without ceasing despite my very busy days. Remembering to thank God throughout the day was challenging, especially when the pressures of life squeezed me. And allowing the holy Spirit to breathe within me took thought at every quiet "me" moment I could find.

Yet, it was surprisingly easy. I mean, I was "talking" anyway, so at first, my biggest challenge was not feeling silly about talking to my new invisible friend!

Anyway, this single, deliberate change of habit has changed my life. It has opened my heart to God's holy Spirit in new ways. It has drawn me closer to Jesus and made me more aware of his merciful heart. And it has left me more open to responding to God's will as I work to empty myself of the distractions of this life.

Lord, thank you for answering that prayer of mine last year, to help me pray without ceasing. Thank you for the endurance and the patience it took, and for the awareness of its effect on my life. 

Today, I will follow the prompting of the holy Spirit within me and continue to talk with my Lord.

Saint Angela of Foligno, who turned her life from endlessly seeking empty distractions to prayer and works of charity, pray for us.

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