Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015 - Friday

That the next generation might come to know,
children yet to be born.
In turn they were to recount them to their children,
that they too might put their confidence in God,
And not forget God’s deeds,
but keep his commandments. (Psalm 78:6-7 NABRE)

God commands us to teach our children what has been taught to us about him. We are told to pass down from generation to generation what we know about him. We are told to unfold the puzzling events of the past, the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, and the stories of his strength and the wonders he performed.

Today's verse from Psalm 78, was written nearly 2,700 years ago, which means about 90 generations of parents have followed this decree of God since it was written, each one sharing with their children what they know of our God.

The curious can refer back to God's original command in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 4, verse 9*  (Which is believed to have been composed several hundred years even before Psalm 78, and describes the time of Moses, ancient even then!). The command itself comes through an address given by Moses to the Israelites and is part of an explanation of the first commandment (found in Exodus 20:2-3).

Lord, today, with so much history behind me, so many generations of parents and families passing down the stories of your deeds, your strength, and the wonders you performed, I thank you for the chance to share in this continuing thread of purpose you give to your people. And I thank you for increasing my knowledge of you along the way, knowledge which you provide me with as I follow your command to teach others.

Today, I will remember that the greatness of God endures across the generations.

Saint Berard and Companions, martyrs for following the command of God to tell others about him, pray for us.

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