Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 17, 2015 - Saturday

That the next generation might come to know,
children yet to be born.
In turn they were to recount them to their children,
that they too might put their confidence in God,
And not forget God’s deeds,
but keep his commandments. (Psalm 78:6-7 NABRE)

Today's verse is the same as yesterday's. As I meditated on it, I encountered an aspect of it I had not noticed the first time around, but which leapt out at me and insisted on being recognized!

Not only does this section of Psalm 78 instruct us to share God's word with the next generation, it explains why we are to do this: So that our children might put their confidence in God, not forget what he has done for us, and keep his commandments.

On one hand, this might not seem to be a profound insight. It might even seem obvious. However, consider each aspect of this motivating passage and its depth begins to emerge.

When we are in need, where do we put our confidence? In our society, we are taught to be self-reliant. As we become older, relying less and less on our parents for our physical needs, we lose track of the truth that it is God who provided for us, through our parents. And it is God who provides for us, even through our own efforts.

When we grow confident in ourselves, we forget what God has done for us, dwelling instead on what we've done for ourselves. At the time this verse was written, the dramatic history of the Jewish people provided a compelling reminder of what had been done for them as God's people. Today, we live in a dangerous global community which still threatens us as believers, yet God continues to protect us. This is something well worth remembering.

When we are overconfident, trusting too much in our own abilities, we risk forgetting to keep God's commandments to love one another and to love God, and all that these require.

And so, let us be thankful for the opportunities we are given to teach our children about God. This instruction will help us in our own journeys as we start them on their way!

Today, I will seek to be God-reliant, to be mindful of his protection, and to keep his commandments.

Saint Anthony of Egypt, who devoted your whole life to solitude and prayer, pray for us.

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